Donate to the Dignity Drive

10 Dec 2020 by Hannah Thomas

Join us in our carloop Dignity Drive to support Giving the Basics!

Monday: No More Bad Hair Day – Tame your locks. hairbrushes, combs, shampoo, or conditioner
Tuesday: The Unmentionables – Keep the privates clean. feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, baby wipes, incontinence pads, etc.
Wednesday: Clean Sweep – Make our cribs sparkle. dish soap, toilet bowel cleaner, Clorox wipes, etc.
Thursday: Dang Girl, You Smell Fine – Freshen up. body wash, soap and deodorant.
Friday/Saturday: Show Off Your Grill – Make the enamel shine. toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, etc.

Giving the Basics is a Hygiene Hub that provides basic hygiene and cleaning products to registered and approved locations. Your support makes it possible to eliminate humiliation, promote learning and offer hope. When you embrace Giving the Basics you embrace human dignity for all people. With your help, Giving the Basics provides the necessities of life, not covered by government assistance programs, that most people take for granted such as laundry soap, shampoo, deodorant, toilet paper and other personal care hygiene products.

If you have any questions please let us know.
