Platinum/Diamond Floor Routines

15 Oct 2020 by Courtney Rickard

Platinum/Diamond Parents:

It is time for the girls to pick out floor music!

Have your daughter pick THREE song choices. We would like them to choose:
- 1 fast paced song
- 1 slower paced song
- 1 extra song of their choice

Please note that NONE of the songs they choose can have recognizable lyrics/melodies in them. That being said, the Karaoke category is off limits.

Below is the link to the floor music website we are using:

Erin and I will work together to select and purchase the final music choice from their list. Please email me ( a list of their three choices by October 23rd, 2020. Please include the Category and the Song Title for each.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
