11 Jan 2020 by Speciale, Kara

Due to the gym being closed today, PGBC will extend the T-shirt order until 7:30 PM on Monday. Orders and payment must be received by 7:30 on Monday to be included in the order.

Shirts are $10 each ($12 for extended sizes as noted in signup).

Please use the sign-up genius to order:

Payment can be made via PayPal (friends and family option) or check/cash to the black box at the gym. Mark all payments for “T-Shirt Order”. No late orders will be accepted as we want to get the order submitted and merchandise back so everyone can enjoy them this season!

Once the order is in, we will contact everyone who ordered with the days and times of shirt pick-up at the gym. Shirts will not be given out to gymnasts at practices.

Questions? Email

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